Luck is yours, wishes

Luck is yours, wishes
Luck is yours, wishes are mine. let ur future always shine. Best of Luck!

Jan, 14 2012     73 chars (1 sms)     711 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Lucky means who Get the Oppurtunity..!Brilliant means who Create the Oppurtunity..!Winner means who Use the Oppurtunity..!BEST WISHES
Whatever is warm & inspiring, whatever means most to you, whatever makes you smile & brings you joy thatÂ’s what I wish for U
When GOD drops needles and pins along ur path in LIFE, dont stay away,, instead pick them up and collect them..they were designed to be STRONG! My best wishes
Whatever we do, we must remember our aim at evry moment . If you dream to fly with eagles, don't waste time In swimming with ducks.
A Beutifull Thought "No one can go back and change a bad beginning, but anyone can start anything anytime and create a successful ending…BEST WISHES
A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity,A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty,wish u an optimistic life.
Rain of summer. snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of spring, May beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile. May God succced u in every exams of ur life.
If u cant fly, run. If u cant run, walk. If u cant walk, crawl. But whatever u do, keep on moving towards d goal u seek to best wishes
All d right things r not possible always. All d possible things r not right always. Be true 2 both ur mind & heart, u'll never go wrong!MY BEST WISHES
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from your will power & determination. Always keep them alive & see nothing is impossible..My best wishes
Don't waste your time with jealousy. Sometimes you are ahead, sometimes behind. The race is lomg and in the end its only with yourself.Best wishes
Dariya jitna project Nadiya jitna effort Baalti jitna estimate Dabbe jitni salary Boond jitna increment To kya khaak hoga achivement. Best of luck