If you can fly,

If you can fly,
If you can fly, run. If you can run, walk. If you can walk, crawl. But whatever you do... Keep on moving towards the goal u seek to achieve.BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     151 chars (1 sms)     815 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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Care for the one who shares with u, share with the one who knows u, know the one who MISSES u, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for u, Wish u all the Best
A Young man’s attitude towards life helps to determine this altitude. Good luck to you my dear.
Dont get rest after a success. People say ur previous victory as a luck in ur next failure.. Keep on working.. success is always urs..my best wishes
Losing in Life & RegAining wAt u Lost mAks u d Most confident persn bcoz u r no more AfrAid of Losing As now u reAlis ur Ability 2 regAin.BEST WISHES
When u face problems in life, don't ask GOD to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose- Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you. GOD BLESS And VERY BEST OF LUCK!!
Evry new day is a new chapter of life,bringing new topics,new moments 4 life. I wish 2day good moments approach 2 make ur life joyfull.
The candle of hope is the source of light for success in life so don’t loose it. Failures try to blow it out but try to guard it with both your hands.Good Luck to U
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe. Best wishes for your exam.
So when the road you're traveling on Seems difficult at best… Just remember I'm here praying And God will do the rest.BEST WISHES
Never Mind Criticism If it is Untrue DISREGARD it. If it is Unfair STAY CALM. If it is Ignorant SMILE. If it is Justified LEARN From it.BEST WISHES
Dariya jitna project Nadiya jitna effort Baalti jitna estimate Dabbe jitni salary Boond jitna increment To kya khaak hoga achivement. Best of luck
Rain of summer. snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of spring, May beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile. May God succced u in every exams of ur life.