If you can fly, run. If you can run, walk. If you can walk, crawl. But whatever you do... Keep on moving towards the goal u seek to achieve.BEST WISHES
Most InspirAtionAl Sentence- " A Ship is AlwAys sAfe At the Shore.But it wAs not Built for thAt."So tAke Risk And Achieve More.-ThAt's U wAnna to b.best wishes
I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years from now, I will still be waking up smiling for the same reason every morning.
A Paper flying in air is due to Luck But A Bird flying in air is its Effort So be a Bird &struggle with hurdles to become Successful Person.BEST WISHHES
In the fight between wave & rock on seashore, Wave always wins.Not through strength,but through persistence.Dont ever GIVE UP until you win.BEST WISHES
The candle of hope is the source of light for success in life so don’t loose it. Failures try to blow it out but try to guard it with both your hands.Good Luck to U