Every sunset gives us

Every sunset gives us
Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise give us, one day more to hope! So, hope for the best. Good Day & Good Luck!

Jan, 14 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     909 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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GOLDEN WORDS by MARTIN LUTHER KING : If u can't fly, run. If u can't run, walk. If u can't walk, crawl.But whatever u do, keep on moving towards ur goal.BEST WISHES
If We Fight, We May Not Always Win.But If We Don 't Fight We will Surely Lose.Faling Down is Not a Defeat,Defeat is When u Refuse 2 Get Up.BEST WISHES
Victory isn't a dream, it isn't imaginative & not impossible to achieve. Its just d state of mind. If u have a mindset to win, u cant lose.BEST WISHES
Lucky means who Get the Oppurtunity..!Brilliant means who Create the Oppurtunity..!Winner means who Use the Oppurtunity..!BEST WISHES
Hasna jindagi hai, has kar gum boolana jindagi hai,jeet kar hanse to kya hanse,haar kar khushiyan manaana jindagi hai.best of luck
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotton pastU cant go on well in life until U let go of ur past failures n heartaches.BW
Success is like tip of the tail !!!If cat runs to catch the tail.It has to keep running forever.But if it walks in its own style.Tail follows!!Live life with ur own rules….my best wishes
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe. Best wishes for your exam.
Learning history is so easy but making history is so difficult. Make a history of yourself and make others to learn it!MY BEST WISHES
wh eva get ur attention will get u.the more u think about smthg, the stronger it takes hold of u. defeat bad though wit clear thinking. My Best wishes
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from your will power & determination. Always keep them alive & see nothing is impossible..My best wishes
Hey, good morning! Rise and shine! As you open your eyes to greet the morning sun, I wish that you would be well and fine.