Water is COLOURLESS, Air is SWEETLESS, Without your sms, my mobile is USELESS.

Jan, 14 2012     78 chars (1 sms)     890 views       General

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Never WasTe an OppOrtuniTy 2 sAy "I LoVe U" to Someone u ReaLLy Like, Coz it is noT EvEryDaY u"ll mEEt tHe PerSoN WhO hAs tHe MaGic 2 lEt u fAll iN love... """
Hazaro Ladkiya Aati HE Hazaro Hi Jati HE Hazaro Hasati HE Hazaro Hi Rulati HE Lekin My Dear Sath Vahi Nibhati HeJo"DOLI"MeBaith K Aati He.
Only 2 Persons r Very Happy In This World,A MAD Person & A CHILD!Be a MAD 2Achieve What We Desire & Be a CHILD 2Enjoy It Without Worries.
There is no Good or Bad in this world.But Thinking makes it so. Wat people call "congestion" in a train,becomes "atmosphere"in a Disco..
I saw U on the road that day U Were Looking so fine Ur Face So Divine Ur Walk So Perfect My Heart Started to Sing a Sweet Song??????. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT
A boy proposed a girl, she said NO ! Bt boy wasnt sad. Frnds:dnt u feel sad? Boy : i lost 1 who nvr luvd me. She lost 1 who really lov Her
Abey O Burai ke Rasgulle Paap ki Barfi Bewafai ke laddoo Farebi jalebi Dhokhebazi ki chikki Badmashi ke Pede Matlab ke halve Tu Bahut SWEET hai re!
We Need At least 2 Things To Live In Life " 1 Heart 2 Feel the Love & 1 Brain 2 Understand It ... Otherwise We'll Have Broken Hearts & Confused Minds
Kiki kuku kikiki kukuku kikiku kukiki kukuki kurCongrats U have Learnt MONKEY language successfully.Plz Come and collect ur disti certificate+ Free banana
Without u'r SMS days are like Moanday tearsday wasteday thirstday frightday shatterday sadday So SMS me everday evertime. Smile please
Ek accha insan agar100 bar bhi ruth jaye to har bar use mana lo. Kyuki kimti motiyo ki mala jitni bar tute use pirona padta Hi hai.ali
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY : "Marry and make a woman happy.... OR remain a bachelor and make several women happy...!!"*