Ek over me kitne

Ek over me kitne
Ek over me kitne boll feke jate hKaya apne kaha "6"?Galt jawabEk ovar me ek hi ball 6bar feka jata hBade aayeCricket kshoukhin.huh

Jan, 14 2012     130 chars (1 sms)     907 views       General

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A sleeping lion is stronger than a barking dog. So a sleeping student is better than a barking teacher.-By last bench assoctiation.So sit in the last bench
Which FISH can not swim in Water?Guess...Guess.....Don't Know??A DEAD FISH.
If your legs are paining, don't worry at all. It's B'coz yesterday the whole day u wer running in my mind...! Take rest now.. n b ready 2 Run 2Morrow..
THOUGHT 4 the day."A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that she looks extremely beautiful when her lips are closed."
The time since i met u, i have realisd dat A frnd like you is worth million dollars. So, if u dont mind........... bech du kya?
Any girl call you BHAI then don't take tension,because long form of BHAI is that B Best H Husaband A Around I India.
My Smile + my Joy + my Pleasure + my Life +my Love+ my Relief + my Honour & my Pride = Your 1 SMS.Ab socho app ke SMS ki Keemat..So,sms me everyminute..
The difference betwn COMPLETE & FINISH... When u love the right 1 u r COMPLETE & When u love the wrong 1 u r FINISHED!
Kind, intelligent, loving and hot; This describes everything you are not
What do u call a Colourful Sindhi Rangwani, Sindhi Postman Mailwani, Sindhi Electrician Bijlani, Sindhi Milkman Dudhani, Forgetful Sindhi Bhuljani
Wife is a knife who cuts Husbands Life.
Pyar=dukho ka bazar,Premi=dukho ka kharidar,Premika=dukho ki dukandar,Mata-Pita=beech ki diwar,Behen=salahkar,Bhai=peetne ko taiyar!Yahi to haiBiG BAZAR!