Sincere apology: If u

Sincere apology: If u
Sincere apology: If u dont like any of my SMS & Dont like 2read, or if my msgs disturb u, thn plz dont hesitate, feel free to .. Throw ur mobile

Jan, 14 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     933 views       General

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A scintist cant b a presidnt bt kalam did it,A Condctor cant b an actor bt Rajni did it,A monky cant operate mobile but BOSS u r mind blowng
Hazaro Ladkiya Aati HE Hazaro Hi Jati HE Hazaro Hasati HE Hazaro Hi Rulati HE Lekin My Dear Sath Vahi Nibhati HeJo"DOLI"MeBaith K Aati He.
NOBODY like U, NOBODY cares for U, NOBODY misses U, NOBODY wants to see U good, NOBODY is Ur best friend, NOBODY is happy with U...Dont cry!!! My name is NOBODY.
Ek over me kitne boll feke jate hKaya apne kaha "6"?Galt jawabEk ovar me ek hi ball 6bar feka jata hBade aayeCricket kshoukhin.huh
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous"
Before u judge a person, walk a mile in his shoes.... After that, who cares? He's a mile away & the shoes r urs
Hi Sweetheart, Doing nothing? Then make a place for me in ur heart! I may come there any time! UR's Faithfully "HEART ATTACK"!
A modern employer is one who is looking for men between the ages of 25 and 30 with 40 years of experience.
Barish Ki Bundo Ko Apni Hateli Me Sametkar Dekho. Jitni Bunde Tum Samet Paye Utna Tum Hame Yad Karte Ho, Jitni Bunde Gir Gayi Utna Yad Hum Tume Karte Hai.
Friendship is like PRIYAGOLD "hak se maango" Love is like PEPSI "ye dil mange more" & Girl friend like GHADI DETERGENT Pahle istemal karo Fir Vishwas Karo.
Wen things go wrongWen sadnes fills ur HeartWen tears flow in ur eyesAlways say these words:A ganpat chal daaru la...
COLLEGE meaning........................ C:come O:on L:let's L:love E:each G:girl E:equally...So plz join d COLLEGE