Now that we

Now that we
Now that we have been friends for quite some time,i finally wanna say those three words.............YOU ARE LUCKY

Jan, 12 2012     113 chars (1 sms)     804 views       Friendship

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I need no jewels, they can b sold, Ur heart glitters better than gold. Pure is ur soul as a baby at birth & i need no heaven wen dear u r on earth..
There r many stars but the moon is u. Tehre r many frends buT thE SWEET one is u. To forget me is now up to u. To forget u is something I will never ever do
A Nice Frnd is an extension of 1's ownself. Without whom we r incomplete.So take care of urself bcoz i don't want 2 lose a part of myself.
Respect those friends who find TIME for U in their TIME TABLE... But love those person who dont consult TIME TABLE when U need them…
Smile is a Book, I give YOU Library;IF Care is a sim, I give YOU talktime;IF Love is Bike, I give YOU Petrol;IF Frndship is Life, I give YOU My Self.
wat is lyf? wat u make it to be.. wat is hapiness? wat ur heart sees.. wat is love? precious if true… wat is frndshp? nothing without u.
FRIENDS r the BEST part of our LIVES….And the BEST VITAMIN for making FRIENDS is VITAMIN B1…THANKS for “B”eing”1?
CLassic words of frndshp B wat u R n say wat u feel, cuz those who mind dnt matter, n those who matter dnt mind….
We gain and lose things every day. But trust me on one thing: YOU WILL NEVER LOSE ME! I will always be there as a friend!
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival.
Good friend hard to find harder to leave impossible to forget
My heart problem has reached a critical stage that doctor says there are only 2 options left....I.C.U or......U C me