Keep messaging me

Keep messaging me
Keep messaging me & win exciting prizes. 1st prize-LOTS OF LOVE, 2 nd prize-LIFETIME FRIENDSHIP.3rd prize-FREE STAY IN MY HEART, offer valid till I'am a LIVE.

Jan, 12 2012     158 chars (1 sms)     865 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

If U open my heart, guess what U R gonna see? It's you. True friends R hard 2 find so I kept you.
Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is that friendships don't have an expiry date.
Some friends are remembered because of their smile. some friends are remembered because of their style. but u are remembered because u r so nice to remember. take care.
Time and distance are not important between friends. When Friend are in the Heart, they remain there forever. You may be busy but trust me you are always remembered.
Nature is good, trees are good, But, friends like you are very good.
Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Priceless
Forgetting u is hard to do, forgetting me is up to u, Forget me not, forget me never and u wil have a friend forever.
Life can be hard & not always fun. But as night brings dark Friendship is a promise made in the heart - silently, unwritten, unbreakable by distance, unchangeable by time. Take care always belovedfriend
Sometimes we built walls around our heart, Not just 2 b safe from getting hurt, But 2 find OUT who cares enough 2 BREAK them down n enter IN...U r IN..
Sometimes my mind asked why? I miss u, Why? I care 4 u, Why? I remember u then my heart answered its simply b’coz you are a sweet friend!!
Param mittr, pranam,"Apka sandesh nahi milne se hum ati vichlit hote hain. Kripya apne "Chalit durbhaash yantr" se Laghu Sandesh bhejte rahe"Subha Prabhat*
Some friends forget,some move away. Some keep silent, some just change, But iam not 1 of them,iam with U just 4 two moments : NOW & EVER..