ur a mate wiv

ur a mate wiv
ur a mate wiv a heart of gold.how much u mean to me can never be told.ur sum1 2b talked bout so sweet and true.1 in a million dats u

Jan, 13 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     821 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

My f'ship means a little heart dat nvr Hates.A cute smile dat nvr Fades.A smooth touch dat nvr Shakes & A strong relatnship dat nvr Breaks.
Egg pups has four ends..Samoosa has three ends..Pazham pori has two ends..But friendship has no ends like a parippu vada.
If U open my heart, guess what U R gonna see? It's you. True friends R hard 2 find so I kept you.
Friend means no asking Friend means no reasoning Friend means just believing & Friend is tat who never believes in last 3 alphabets of FRIEND.
Friendship is a Give & Take relationship.I hope U agree with this.So, gimme a treat andtake me to a movie.. So simple.
My Friendship is like an onion, Which has many layers in it, it will add taste to your life, but if you try to cut it, you will have tears in your eyes
Having a good laugh with a friend like you stimulates endorphins, the brain’s natural painkillers. So, if you need to laugh and you can’t find a friend like yourself, I can lend you my mirror.
Birth is a start of life beauty is a art of life. mystry and risk are part of life..... but friend like "U is a heart of life."
F'ship means a little heart that never hates... A cute smile that never fades... A smooth wish that never hurts... A stronger relationship that never breaks..
"Dont be a frnd only with those who make u happy... Be a frnd with someone who cannot be happy without u.."See the difference..
If you say RUN I will ask you how far If u say SWIM I will ask how deep If u say JUMP I will ask you how high If u say GO AWAY I will say NO WAY U r my friend … I will stay.
There is a gift that gold cannot buy, a blessing dats rare & true, dats the gift of a wonderful friend like the friend dat i have in u!