Love is post paid

Love is post paid
Love is post paid,one month u dont pay,conection will be cut. But friendship is life time prepaid whether u pay or not, incoming is free for lifetime.

Jan, 13 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     752 views       Friendship

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Eveything in this world is so fine, but everything in this world is not mine, but there is one thing that is pure & divine… ur friendship & lucky to be mine
Help ever... hurt never... love ever... hate never... give ever... expect never... smile ever... cry never... think me ever... forget me never
Time is 2 slow 4 those who wait,2 swift 4 those who fear,2 long 4 those who grieve,2 short 4those rejoice but 4those who hav true friend like u time is eternity
True meaning of friendship:Where there is no compromisein telling the secret.And there is no secretfor which u need to compromise..!
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival.
Learning frm water..adjust ur self in every situation in any shape & always find out ur own way beautiful..
People say that good friends are hard to find... but that's because the best are already mine!!
Some can give u Crying & tears Many others can give u Laughter & smilesbutonly Friends can give u"Laughing Tears"& "Crying smiles"
Old friends are gold....!New frinds are diamond.If you get diamond don't forget the gold.B'coz To hold a diamond you need a base of Gold
Frndship is like a clap it make sound great when we clap with two hands and frndship is strong when two person can understand each orther,and that two person are u and me ... thanks for being my frnd.....
Frndship is a package of FEELING... Nobdy can make it. Nobdy can delete it. Nobdy can explain it. Real frnds can feel it...
How 2 grow frndshp? Pick a gud heart .plant in a pot of trust,water with gud thoughts.Add sum emotions & remove d misunderstanding & nourish.RESULT FRIEND 4EVEr.