What is real but invisible? Ur love… What is true but unfair? Ur away from me… What is sweet but invincible? Ur smile… What is precious but priceless? Ur friendship…
once love and friendship meet. Love asked to friendship that why do u exist when i am there. Friendship said that to spread happiness where you leave Tears.
True f'ship never fades with time :-) becomes more tasteful like old WINE ::)) only a friend can understand words and convert the rolling tears into a smile!
Nobody understands d reason y we meet in this life’s journey. we’re not related by blood, we don’t know each other from d start.. but god puts us together to b wonderful frnds by heart!!!
Two hearts make frienship, many hearts try to break that friendship, but making or breaking depends on the level which that two hearts beats for each other.
True Friendship isn't leaving behind old friends when u find some new ones.It's abt preserving dried rose betwen pages inspite of being gifted a rose daily!