Another moon....? Possible!

Another moon....? Possible!
Another moon....? Possible! Another sun.....? Possible! Another friend, Like you.....? ImPossible cuz, Manufacturing defects occur very rare..!!!!

Jan, 13 2012     146 chars (1 sms)     802 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

A friend is like a flower, a rose to be exact, or maybe like a brand new gate that never comes unlatched
How 2 grow frndshp? Pick a gud heart .plant in a pot of trust,water with gud thoughts.Add sum emotions & remove d misunderstanding & nourish.RESULT FRIEND 4EVEr.
I may be gone for a minute, for hours, for a day. I may not be able to say good am, good pm or good night but I'll never try to say goodbye to a person who has been sweet and true.
When a Message sent from a distance… U cannot see the Faces, U cannot see the Smiles, But U can sense the care that truly come from
May our friendship turn into silver silver into gold, gold into diamonds.. & may our diamonds be forever... then we will sell it OK? fifty-fifty*
Friendship Is Not An Exam To Pass/Fail. It's Not A Competition To Win/Loss. It's a Feeling In Which, You Care For Someone More Than Yourself.
Feelin of luv,moments of caring,small small sharing, stupid fights, shoulders 2 cry, 2b 2gthr in pain, creates a miracle calledFRIENDS'
Pain of missing friends is realised when u r alone watching a gang of friends enjoying in front of U and U remembrng d past which u spent with ur friends!
Don't walk in front of me,I may not follow; don't walk behing me,I may not lead; walk beside me,and just be my friend.
FriendshipIs A Gift,That Is Fair In All Thingz.It Roots From One's Heart&Involves MemoriesThat Stay NotFor A WhileButFor A Lifetime.
R we friends or r we not u told me once but i 4got 4 all da friends i'v eva met ur da 1 i won't 4get n if i die b4 u do i'll go 2 heaven n wait 4 u.
Friendship is a little more trust, a little less try, a little more laugh, a little less cry, a little more luv, a little less fight a little more WE & a little less I