Quotes SMS Messages1524 messages

Conflictcan be seen as a gift of energy, in which neither sideloses and a new dance is created.
Throughconflict we get to unity.
Ourlives are not dependent on whether or not we have conflict. It is what we dowith conflict that makes the difference.
Deep-seatedpreferences cannot be argued about.
Assumptionof cooperative goals leads to viewing the conflict as a common problem to besolved for mutual benefit.
Do notfind fault, find a remedy.
Speakwhen you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.
Itisn't that they can't see the solution. It's that they can't see the problem.
It doesnot do to leave a Dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.
Cooperativeconflict builds people up, strengthens their relationships, and gets thingsdone.
Conflictbuilds character. Crisis defines it.
Peoplewho are only good with hammers see every problem as a nail.