Whatever happens 2 ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a problem 2 b solved but a gift 2 b enjoyed. Make Everyday ur best day! Gud Morning!
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone in your hand, inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart, and a clear signal all day long. Nice day!
I can appreciate coffee without cream, overtime without pay, nights without lights, meals without rice, hamburger without cheese, but never a whole day without greeting you.
Not all angels have wings some have cell phones too. Thats why your angel is txting you right now greeting you “HELLO” and wishing you to be safe all the time
New day, new blessings. dont let yesterdays failures ruin d beauty of 2day. Blessings of God r new evry AM. 2day has its own promise of luv, 4givness, joy & success.