Not all angels

Not all angels
Not all angels have wings some have cell phones too. Thats why your angel is txting you right now greeting you “HELLO” and wishing you to be safe all the time

Jan, 16 2012     158 chars (1 sms)     885 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

U r a friend with a heart of gold..How much u mean 2me can never b told..U r some1 so sweet n true..1 in a million n that's only u.G'Mrng!
Heart touching dialogue:Force can make everything possible in the world,but it cant create a single drop of love in anybody's heart..GM
No1 will manufacture a lock without a key.Similarly,God won't give problems without Solutions..So never Worry. Efforts always Succeed!gm mrng
Life means missing one & facing unexpected one.When u r near no one remembers u... But When u r far no 1 forgets to remember u. Thats LIFE..
We live in our dreams, but dreams may die, don’t get shattered, never ever cry, the world is big & has lots to give, pick up a new dream, that's the way to live.GM
sometimes ur luck is not with u,smtimes ur expectations r fail,just go and say to ur friend & pray to god he will make ur badluck in to gudluck.because god always loves mrng
sum1 asked me to discribe u in a sentence. . . i said "individual that makes place in others heart without even knocking at it" G.M.
DEW on ROSES are the TEARS of NIGHT to give way to the MORNING LIGHT.I keep them in my PALM,close my EYES & wish you a very special "GOOD MORNING".
Be Soft & Cool like Water.,So U can adjust anywhere in Life..Be Tough & Attractive like diamond.,So no one can play with ur emotions..GD MRNG
Wining horse dsnt know why it runs in race it runs bcoz of hits & pains life is a race God is ur rider So if u r in pain then think,GOD wants u to win d race!gd mrng
God created the World in 6 days but it would have taken him centuries to create someone as Caring,Good Looking and as Special As YouGd Day
Hello, wakeup... Let sun learn frm ur eyes how to be cool... Let flowers learn frm your smile how to be fresh forever... Have a good day.....