Life is like riding

Life is like riding
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. Gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     81 chars (1 sms)     980 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

LYF is a Rope dt Swings us thro HOPE,Always believ 2day is much Better dan Yday &2moro wil b Best dan 2day!So jst Go on.Gud nite.Swt drmz.
I woke up one day and thought something was missing. So I got up from my bed, grabbed my cell phone and sent you a morning greeting. Good a.m.
Some promises are always unbroken,some memories are always unwritten,feel the magic of TRUE RELATION and you'll know that some words are always unspoken... Good morning.
Love is missing some1 whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart. Good Morning Have A Nice Day
When asked what 4giveness is, a little girl gave this lovely answer: " it is the sweet scent that a flower gives when it is being crushed" Good Morning...
Heart touching dialogue:Force can make everything possible in the world,but it cant create a single drop of love in anybody's heart..GM
Relationship doesnt get closer by meetngs, but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS. I care 4 u in my own STRANGE ways. Maybe u'll never know, Perhaps I'll nvr show.
People who Spend Time On Propagating Their Present Achievements Will Not Find Time to Grow Beyond Their Current Level.GM
A Relationship doesn’t shine by just shaking hands in best of times…But… blossoms by holding hands firmly in critical situations.GM
Never Get Tired ofTrying forSomething which UReally Want toAcheive, Be Strong& Steady In UrWay Door OfSUCCESS Will OpenFOR U.G'Mrng
God givs evry bird its food,bt he doesnt throw it 2 its nest."DefeAt is nt wen u fAl down,its wen u refuse 2 get up"Gud MRNG
Hot tea with my COLD sms, Cold shower with my WARM sms, Spicy breakfast with my SWEET sms, And lovely morning with my GOOD MORNING sms.....Have a nice day!