I can appreciate

I can appreciate
I can appreciate coffee without cream, overtime without pay, nights without lights, meals without rice, hamburger without cheese, but never a whole day without greeting you.

Jan, 16 2012     173 chars (2 sms)     836 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

A philosophical thought: its pretty hard to tell wat does bring happiness. Poverty and wealth hav both failed. Good morning. Hav a great day..
Lord, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, help me remember that Your love is always greater than my disappointments and Your plans for my life is always better than my dreams.
Never get Tired of Doing Little Things for others Becoz sometimes those little things occupy the Biggest part in their Heart..GM
Don't fear for facing failure in the first attempt,Because Even the successful Maths starts with ZERO..Miss you friends.GM
Beautiful lines"Worrying doesn't reduce yesterdays sorrows, but it empties todays strength". So DONT WORRY, BE HAPPY..Good day!
Sweet and nicewith just a little spice!Humorous and funnyyet sweet like honey!Laid back and coolas precious as a jewel!I think you're so neatand your friendship is a treat!gooood morning
Defeat is not when u fall down, it is when u refuse to get up..! So keep getting up everytime u fall.. Thats attitude of life. GOOD MORNING....
"Who helping u,dont forget them""Who loving u,dont hate them""Who hoping u,dont cheat them"If u follow this rule,ur life wil b precious.--GM
little faith says "U can do it"Big faith says"U will do it"But Great faith says"consider It done!"Nothing is imposible wen U belive in urself Good Morning
Never take some1 for granted,Hold every person close to Yr Heart B'cs U might wake up 1 day & realise that U've lost a diamond While U were busy Collecting StonE.GM
The mist turns to l,ight,Morning takes over the night..Another beautiful day dawning,Its time to wish a very Good Morning....
Its purity of heart that matters,Not the external appearance.Because helping hands are alwaysBetter than praying lips...!GOOD MORNING!!!