Dont think how

Dont think how
Dont think how many moments in your life, just think how much life is there in a moment.

Jan, 16 2012     88 chars (1 sms)     853 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Choose ur words carefuly. Each word has d power 2make or brek.Price&Worth mean d same,bt wen u add LESS,1bcums PRICELESS & other WORTHLESS!
If someone points out your mistake, be happy that atleast someone is interested what you have done...Sweet Morning.
Your soul came back from dreamland re-united with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open ur eyes realize its a brand new day. good morning
When it is hard for u to hide ur tears..Then never mind..start choppin an onion..let d heart Cry..u just Smile n blame d onion..G'mrng
No man in this world is rich enough to buy his own past , Enjoy each moment before it gets beyond reach .Gd mrng
"Never conclude a person with his present position, b'coz TIME has the power to change a invaluable coal into a valuable diamond".GD MRNG
Sumtimes v think-why frnz keep frwrding msgs 2 us without speking words D reson is dat,u hv got nothing big 2 say,but still want 2 stay in touch...!!GM
Most luvable line:It brks ur hrt 2 c d 1 u luv Is happy wid sum1 else,bt its more painful 2 knw tht d 1 u luv is unhappy wid u.gud mrng.
Care is the sweetest essence in d world.If someone says take care-it means u live in that person's heart till the last beat. So "TAKE CARE" GOOD MORNING.
Life ends when u stop Dreaming; Hope ends when u stop Believing; Luv ends when u stop Caring; So Dream, Believe n Care, Life is really Beautiful.
God smiled at me just this morning thru the rising sunrays. I'm sharing the same courtesy with you by sending you a warm smile that your heart can feel even without seeing.
Both Anger & Happiness r complimentary..Make ur anger so expensivethat no1 can afford it & make ur happiness so cheap that people get it free frm u!GM