Ur SMS is

Ur SMS is
Ur SMS is pacemaker of my Heart...Ur miss call is beat of my Heart..Ur call is blood cirulation of my Heart ..So plz keep my Heart Alive...

Jan, 13 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     869 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Friends may meet.,friends may scatter..But if hearts r loyal.. Distance never matter..Keep in touch so that, friendship grows better
Ishq wahi hai jo ho ek tarfa,Izhaar-e-ishq to khwahish ban jati hai,Hai agar Ishq to akho me dekho,zubaan kholne se ye numaish ban jati hai.
2day i'll lose somethng!2morrw i can get anythng!But i never lose & ever get one thing.That is ur FRNDSHP!Keep in touch alwys!
In the rhythm of life we sumtimes find ourselves out of tune, bt as long as there r frenz to provide the melody... the music plays on!!!
Wats d true meanin of frndshp? wher ther r no compromise in tellin secrets, n der is no secret for which u need compromise…
Time alone can prove the worth of friendship.As time goes by,we lose the false ones and keep the best.Just a sweet hello to one of d best!
It began as all fires do A spark soon ignitd into a blaze of warmth & colouful deligh Tu held my hand becme my frnd & nw my future is bright
"SpecL frns" r reaLy reaLy hard2find..Specly thos ho r "cute"&"pure in hrt",Its So hard!So my advis4U is...Nvr Let me go..
You can close your eyes to things you dont want to see. but u cant close your heart to things you dont want to feel.
Wrong or wright, Iam very straight. Milk is white. Stars r bright. Everest is height. U & ME can fight but our Friendship is Tight
Voda(F)one ai(R)tel virg(I)n id(E)a bs(N)l in(D)icomHey how crazy,Even networks cant stay without a FRIEND like us.
Friends are special treasures of heart. They make you feel loved, needed and secured. It’s often not said but felt.