Sweetheart is a

Sweetheart is a
Sweetheart is a special word for Love,Love is a special word for Care,Care is a Special word for friend,And the Friend is a special word for U...

Jan, 13 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     867 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Mere Sugar se mithe.. Milk se gore.. Aasman se unche.. Pataal se gehre.. Barf se thhande.. Aag se garam, AurSabse "BESHARAM" dost Kabhi to msg kiya kar..
Whenever I look at my palm, I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like U.
When clouds breaks rain fall. When coconut breaks water falls. When luv breaks tears falls. But wen friendshp breaks life falls completly So nvr brk frndshp..
D importance of a frnd in our lives is like d importance of our hrtbeats! Though they r nt visible,they silently lend u d gift called LIFE..
One tree can start a forest, One smile can start a relationship, One touch can show luv & care & One person like U can make life worth living
Heart is like a crystal preserve it, love is like a perfume spread it, feelings are like flood flow it, friendship is like umbrella come lets share it
Sound becomes music,Movement becomes dance,Smile becomes laughter,Mind becomes meditation & life becomes celebration when friends keep in touch..!!
Love is a DEBIT CARD Life is a CREDIT CARD Wife is a VISA CARD Lover is a ATM CARD But,FRNDSHIP is WARANTY CARD Keep it safe dear
CLassic words of frndshp B wat u R n say wat u feel, cuz those who mind dnt matter, n those who matter dnt mind….
A word 2 say,A word 2 hear, Even in ur absence I feel u near..... Our relation is strong, Hope it goes long..... We'll remain friendz,Till our HEARTS go on....
True Fship is like playing on see-saw Not bcoz its always fun being wit each othr. Bt also bcoz some1 wont mind going down 2 c another1 rising up!
thE tEst oF fRiEndsHip dOseN't cOmeS wHen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs & u ReaLizE tHat dEsPitE tHe dIsTanCe, thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...