First day ur friendship was like a "wel".... Second day it was like "river"... Third day it was like "sea".... Fourth day it was like a "ocean"...But... Now... It is like "Tsunami"... I will never forget u....
"In ur darkest hour wen ur fed up & blue.just remember this I'll always be there 4 u.Im no angel N cant change ur fate.but I'll do anything 4 u coz ur my friend."
Ive made so many mistakes in my life, but something I did right was to have you as a friend and I definitely wont make another mistake of losing someone like you.
You have known me in Good and bad times , You have seen me When i was happy and when i was sad, You have watched me laugh and cry, Thank you for believing in me, For supporting me , And for always being there , Thank you for being A PERFECT FRIE
Let the most beautiful dream come to you tonight. let the sweetest person come in your dream tonight. But don't make it a habit becoz i am not free every night.