A man without a

A man without a
A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.

Jan, 21 2012     50 chars (1 sms)     866 views       Quotes

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Science has promised us truth. It has never promised us either peace or happiness.
No one was ever really taught by another; each of us has to teach himself.
Do not tell me the problem is a difficult one. If it were not difficult, it would not be a problem
Thepeople to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagreewith you and are too cowardly to let you know.
Don'twrestle a pig in a mud hole. You both get all dirty, and the pig enjoys it.
Men are cruel, but man is kind.
The more faithfully you listen to the voice withhin you, the batter you will hear what is sounding outside.And only he who listens can speak.
Sciencecannot resolve moral conflicts, but it can help to more accurately frame thedebates about those conflicts.
There is much more learning than knowing in the world.
It isnot necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.
Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods.
There are questions of real power and then there arequestions of phony authority. You have to break through the phony authorityto begin to fight the real questions of power.