Ability is poor men's wealth

Ability is poor men's wealth
Ability is poor men's wealth

Jan, 21 2012     28 chars (1 sms)     977 views       Quotes

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A good listener is not someone with nothing to say. A good listener is a good talkerwith a sore throat.
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.
An expert is a man, who dosent has all the answers, but he is sure that if that he is given enough money he can find them.
To err is human; to forgive is divine pathway
Before following a leader, it's wise to see if he's headed in the right direction.
Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself.
Failingto plan is planning to fail.
Politeness is the art of selecting among one's real thoughts.
Twoprisoners whose cells adjoin communicate with each other by knocking on thewall. The wall is the thing which separates them but is also their means ofcommunication. It is the same with us and God. Every separation is a link.
It is throughcooperation, rather than conflict, that your greatest successes will bederived.
Most ofour so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believingas we already do.
Every village has to become a self-sufficient republic.