Expreince never helps

Expreince never helps
Expreince never helps us avoid doing something foolish; it merely prevents us from enjoying it.

Jan, 21 2012     95 chars (1 sms)     841 views       Quotes

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Better hazard than always be in fear.
In loving, you lean on some one to hold him up.
Itmatters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose.
Another form of wastefulness is expenditure of words beyond the income of ideas.
Wecould never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.
All bravery stands upon comparisons.
A man without imagination is like a bird without wings.
Sorrow and silence are strong, and patient endurance is god-like.
The man who says he's too old to learn new tricks probably always was.
Ifanyone is not willing to accept your point of view, try to see his point of view.
You made your bed, now lie in it.
Themost important of life's battles is the one we fight daily in the silentchambers of the soul.