Every Garden Must Have ARose,Every Sweet Face Must Have ASmile,Every Grass Must Have A Dew &Every Person In The World MustHave A FRIEND Like "U"Happy Friendship Day..
Once I happened 2 walk on a very high bridge,I got scared.i saw my frnd on d other side & called him 4 help but there was no reply.i somehow managed & crossed d bridge.then I was shocked 2 see my frnd holdin d end of d broken bridge.just trust ur frnds in all situations,cos tey r ur frnds..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
How long shall v b frnds?Do u want a clue?As long as stars twinkle in the sky,till da water runs dry&till da day I die.We will be frnds.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Original story how friendship day started:In 1935 USA govt had killed a man on 1st sat. of Aug.Next day his frnd died committing suicide,in his memory.
Friendship is not written by chalk 2 erase or write again.It's written with d ink of love on the wall of heart.Once written cannot b changed. Dat's f'ship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship is wonderful relation which needs nothing in this world except 2 pure hearts to share,luv, play,enjoy,fight, support & to live..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
dear dad sometimes it's too few words sometimes it's too great a distance that keeps us from saying what we feel like today it seems you're a world away and i'd like to say ... wish i could be there and tell you how much you mean to me i miss you i miss from the heart!!!!
Our frndship has become HABIT. Even if u take out H,A BIT remains.Take out A, stil BIT remains.Finally take out B, stil IT remains forever.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship is a promise made in the heart Silently, Unwritten, Unbrekble by distance, Unchngeble by time, Nice 2 have a friend like YOU *H'PY FRIENDSHIP DAY*