1 day my brain

1 day my brain
1 day my brain asked me " wy r u sending messages to that person who is not messaging u?" but my little heart said to brain " you need message i need friend"

Jan, 20 2012     157 chars (1 sms)     857 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

You show me how to be a man You help me, guide me, along the way. You're strong, and yet you're gentle, too. I hope I'm just like you, someday!
You may be out of sight but you're always in my mind. Happy Fathers'Day
Daddy, I Love You For All That You Do. I'll Kiss You And Hug You 'Cause You Love Me, Too. You Feed Me And Need Me To Teach You To Play, So Smile 'Cause I Love You On This Father's Day.
Ek "ROSE" --;--;-<@Un Dosto ke liye Jo milte nahiRoz Roz,Magar Yaad aate hai....HER ROZ.... " Happy friendship day "
Phul aisa ho jo dosti ko khushbo se bhar de. HumSafar aisa ho andhera ko B roshan kar de. Aur DOST aisa ho jo jivan ko khusi se bhar de.HPY FRNDSHIP DAY
This's al abt Dad.!A person who makes his unsuccessful dreams 2b a successful one in ur life.. Behind our every cheers,wil be his tears.
''HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY''bcoz Kabirji ne kaha tha-'Kal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare so ab, network fail ho jayega,wish karoge kab?'wishing you sab se pahele.
Please open ur eyes, so the Sun can rise, flowers can blossom, birds can sing, as all r waiting to see a beautiful SMILE on ur face & say Gud Morning!
Hearts R many but swt hearts r rare.,Lover r many but true loves r rare. Ur names r many but u r one and only one 4 me as a SPECIAL FRND.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Some friends r worth 2b thrown, Some r good 2 keep, Some r 2b Treasured 4 ever, and I Think u r one 2 b Thrown… in the Treasure Box 2 b kept 4 ever.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
In 1yr getting 100 Friends is nt an achivement. If 1get a Gud Frnd for 100 years,he is an achiver.am D Achiver.Bcoz I hAv u.HAPY FRNDSHP DAY
Hum Dosto ke dil me rehte hai.isliye har dard sehte hai.Koi hum se pehle wish na kar de aapko.Isliye ek din pehle hi"HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY" kehte hai..