A good friend is like computer,I enter ur life save ur photo in my hrt,scan& format ur prob,copy & paste ur smle & nevr dlte ur frndshp.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Alone i can only say,but 2gether v can shout.Alone i can only smile but 2gether v can laugh.Alone i can only live but 2gether v can celebrate.Thts frndship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
I like d world bcoz u live here. I like d wind bcoz it touches u.I like the sun bcoz it shines on u.I love God bcoz,He made u as my SWT Frd.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Being a frnd is not just sharing a joke,a conversation,a cup of coffee or a funny storyIt means sharing an honest n true part of urself.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Every Garden Must Have ARose,Every Sweet Face Must Have ASmile,Every Grass Must Have A Dew &Every Person In The World MustHave A FRIEND Like "U"Happy Friendship Day..
Frendship is like a glass A scratch on any side will reflect on other side too So always handle feelings carefully Bcoz the scratches can't be repaired.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY