Daddy, I Love You For All That You Do. I'll Kiss You And Hug You 'Cause You Love Me, Too. You Feed Me And Need Me To Teach You To Play, So Smile 'Cause I Love You On This Father's Day.
Time wud make us 4get some friends,bt, there wud be some friends who wud make us 4get time.. They r our best of best, one such is u...Happy Friendship Day..
Some friends r worth 2b thrown, Some r good 2 keep, Some r 2b Treasured 4 ever, and I Think u r one 2 b Thrown… in the Treasure Box 2 b kept 4 ever.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Every Garden Must Have ARose,Every Sweet Face Must Have ASmile,Every Grass Must Have A Dew &Every Person In The World MustHave A FRIEND Like "U"Happy Friendship Day..
dear dad sometimes it's too few words sometimes it's too great a distance that keeps us from saying what we feel like today it seems you're a world away and i'd like to say ... wish i could be there and tell you how much you mean to me i miss you i miss from the heart!!!!
Friendship is wonderful relation which needs nothing in this world except 2 pure hearts to share,luv, play,enjoy,fight, support & to live..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Frndshp dsn't occur wit special people..Bt people bcm special after being frnds..I dnt knw wat I am 2u,bt u r alwys special 2me…Take care..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendshp is what I offer to u..Peace is what I pray for u..Happiness is what I wish for u..But Remembernss is what I expct from uRmembr me 4ever.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY