Hearts R many

Hearts R many
Hearts R many but swt hearts r rare.,Lover r many but true loves r rare. Ur names r many but u r one and only one 4 me as a SPECIAL FRND.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY

Jan, 20 2012     157 chars (1 sms)     786 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

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Original story how friendship day started:In 1935 USA govt had killed a man on 1st sat. of Aug.Next day his frnd died committing suicide,in his memory.
Frendship is like a glass A scratch on any side will reflect on other side too So always handle feelings carefully Bcoz the scratches can't be repaired.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
there is a golden bridge called frndship that’s spans the river of time and links out hearts together event if we walks separate roads of life.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.-HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendship means to feel some1 in every HEARTBEAT,to find some1 in every THOUGHT,to see some1 with CLOSED EYES and to MISS some1 without reason….HAPPY FDSHIP DAY
Frndshp dsn't occur wit special people..Bt people bcm special after being frnds..I dnt knw wat I am 2u,bt u r alwys special 2me…Take care..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Alone i can only say,but 2gether v can shout.Alone i can only smile but 2gether v can laugh.Alone i can only live but 2gether v can celebrate.Thts frndship.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
This's al abt Dad.!A person who makes his unsuccessful dreams 2b a successful one in ur life.. Behind our every cheers,wil be his tears.
What You Have Inherited From Your Father, You Must Earn Over Again For Yourselves, Or It Will Not Be Yours. Happy Fathers" Day,
A-Z about = FRIEND =A Friend is one who,Accepts u,Belives u,Commands u,Disturbs u,Encourages u,Forgives u.
1chingari angaar se kam nahi hoti,saadgi bhi shringar se kam nahi hoti,ye to dekhne ka fark hai yaro,nahi to dosti bhi pyar se kam nahi hoti.Hpy FRIENDSHIP DAY
I may not b the"Perfect friend"dat u r luking for,Not even d "BEST" among others,But surelyi'm a frnd wants 2 see u Happy 4ever.Happy Frndship day!