Zindagi me baarbaar

Zindagi me baarbaar
Zindagi me baarbaar ye makam aye 'Tum hamare hum tumare kam aye 'Bas itnisi duwa hai khuda se 'Agale janam me bhi tumare yaro me hamara naam aye"..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY

Jan, 20 2012     167 chars (2 sms)     901 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

I like d world bcoz u live here. I like d wind bcoz it touches u.I like the sun bcoz it shines on u.I love God bcoz,He made u as my SWT Frd.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Friendshp is what I offer to u..Peace is what I pray for u..Happiness is what I wish for u..But Remembernss is what I expct from uRmembr me 4ever.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Ek "ROSE" --;--;-<@Un Dosto ke liye Jo milte nahiRoz Roz,Magar Yaad aate hai....HER ROZ.... " Happy friendship day "
Our frndship has become HABIT. Even if u take out H,A BIT remains.Take out A, stil BIT remains.Finally take out B, stil IT remains forever.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
1day Monday, Went 2 Tuesday, 2 See Wednesday, & Ask Thursday, Whether Friday Has Told Saturday Dat SUNDAY Iz "FRIENDSHIP DAY"
Keeping FRIEND is as difficult as losing one,U sacrifice a lot to keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u…But in my HEART..I swear I'm keeping U..happy friendship day
Best relations do not need terms conditions and promises,They need only two wonderful person 1 who can trust and other who can understand. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
This's al abt Dad.!A person who makes his unsuccessful dreams 2b a successful one in ur life.. Behind our every cheers,wil be his tears.
I know friendshp is hard to keep,but even if it gets harder i wont give up., bcoz if its hard 2 keep U,it will be harder 2 find U again.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
i am a little bird sitting at ur windows waiting for the first ray of sun will touch ur eyes and i can tell u HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Each friend represents a world in us,a world possibly nt born until they arrive & its only by dis meeting dat a new world is bornHPY FRNDAY DAY
Once I happened 2 walk on a very high bridge,I got scared.i saw my frnd on d other side & called him 4 help but there was no reply.i somehow managed & crossed d bridge.then I was shocked 2 see my frnd holdin d end of d broken bridge.just trust ur frnds in all situations,cos tey r ur frnds..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY