In 1yr getting 100

In 1yr getting 100
In 1yr getting 100 Friends is nt an achivement. If 1get a Gud Frnd for 100 years,he is an D Achiver.Bcoz I hAv u.HAPY FRNDSHP DAY

Jan, 20 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     804 views       Occassions > Friendship Day

more Friendship Day SMS Messages

1 day my brain asked me " wy r u sending messages to that person who is not messaging u?" but my little heart said to brain " you need message i need friend"
Certain Friends Touch our Heart & We Can't stop Thinking About Them That is The Kind Of Friend you AreHAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY.
Silly fights, Serious jokes, Cute smiles, Sensitive feelings, A mixture of all da above is called "Friendship". Happy Friendship Day.
Some things can b left undone, Som words can b left unsaid, Some feelings can b left unexpressed but someone like u can never b left unremembered!.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Original story how friendship day started:In 1935 USA govt had killed a man on 1st sat. of Aug.Next day his frnd died committing suicide,in his memory.
Friendship is Like "HABIT"Even If U Take Out H,"A Bit" Remains.Take Out A, Still "Bit" Remains.Finally Take Out B, Still "It" Remains...happy frndship day.
DOSTI is sumthng dat no1 cn hate DOSTI is passion v cn nvr rate DOSTI hppn netime early or lat DOSTI is only mdicine widout expirydate.happy friendship day
Remembr me as a dried flower between the pages of ur book.They might not bear any fragrance but they will always be enriched with memories!HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Once I happened 2 walk on a very high bridge,I got scared.i saw my frnd on d other side & called him 4 help but there was no reply.i somehow managed & crossed d bridge.then I was shocked 2 see my frnd holdin d end of d broken bridge.just trust ur frnds in all situations,cos tey r ur frnds..HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
:Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
Frendship is like a glass A scratch on any side will reflect on other side too So always handle feelings carefully Bcoz the scratches can't be repaired.HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY
One best. book is equal tohundred good friends... BUT,One good Friend(like u) is equal toa library....HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY!