Friendship is a lil more truth & a lil less lie,A lil more WE & a lil less I, A lil more LAUGh & a lil more cry. Friendship is simply U & I. 3 Cheers to our Friendship
There r many stars but the moon is u. Tehre r many frends buT thE SWEET one is u. To forget me is now up to u. To forget u is something I will never ever do
Last nyt in my dream :we climbd 2gthr 2 hvn,on d way i ws tired,u caried me on ur back,wen we reachd d gate,GOD cald me-'CuM my child' plz lev ur DONKEY outside
If ur friendship be money, I'll be richest man. If ur friendship be pounds, I'll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be luv, I'll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I'm the happiest man