It starts wid a hi/hello. It increases as 'wats up dese days'. It grows 2 'oye btana nae hota.' It tends 2 mould as 'stupid tu apna dimaag mat chala, jaisa i m saying waisa kar' And den it ends NEVER. Dats frendshp.
some people says 4 life money is important;some says wealth is important,some says beauty is important.but we say 4 life only &only a good friend is important………just like u,
As I watched ants crawled up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they are, they still stop and communicate with each other, hope we will be like them, be in touch always...
Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth, but in having friend like you - a precious gift from God.
Weathers are few but spring is good, Animals are many but butterfly is lovely, Flowers are too many but rose is beautiful, Foods are thousands but honey is sweet an Friends are much but u r the best!
A word 2 say,A word 2 hear, Even in ur absence I feel u near..... Our relation is strong, Hope it goes long..... We'll remain friendz,Till our HEARTS go on....