Truth of d day

Truth of d day
Truth of d day.. As we Grow up we think we lose our frnds. but truth is we Don"t lose frnds. We just learn who the real once are..."

Jan, 12 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     834 views       Friendship

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Last nyt in my dream :we climbd 2gthr 2 hvn,on d way i ws tired,u caried me on ur back,wen we reachd d gate,GOD cald me-'CuM my child' plz lev ur DONKEY outside
I wont promise 2 be Ur friend forever,coz I wont live that long.But let me be Ur friend as long as I live.
Friendship often ends in love; but love ends in friendship - NEVER.
I prayed for you before we met, not knowing who you d be. i asked the lord to send a friend. one chosen just for me.
Friendship Never Speaks Volumes.. it Never Demands Proof.. it Never has a Happy Ending too.. Simply B'coz it Never Ends when Friends r true!
A very special m8 of my heart all da c u wiv a happy smile makes my life feel worthwhile.warm & carin ur feelins glad i av a m8 like u!
To share what is difficult. To heal what is hurting, To think what is not possible, To understand without even talking. Is the miracle called Friendship.
“The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love”
Time and distance are not important between friends. When Friend are in the Heart, they remain there forever. You may be busy but trust me you are always remembered.
Face leaves appearance, Flower leaves fragrance, but, friendship leaves, rememberance.
Good friendship is not when two'perfect people'come together. Its when two imperfect people learn to enjoy each others differences
U wil be a ROSE 4 all TREES U wil be a SMILE 4 all FACES U will be WATER FALLS 4 al HILLS & U wil be a BROHTER 4 al naughty&cute GIRLS