Stars are seen

Stars are seen
Stars are seen together,yet they r so far apart !good friends may not speak everyday ,but remember they r always linked' heart to heart"

Jan, 13 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     793 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Wn u cont ur bst frend u may nt count me,Wn u count ur close frnds,u may not count me, But wn u really need a friend... jus strt 4fm me
A truely caring friendship means, one who knows you are crying and finds your tears even when you are walking in the rain...
Classic words for friendship: "be wat u R & say wat u feel, because those who mind, dont matter & those who matter, never mind"
I'm not UR Lover But I Love U.I'm not UR FamilyBut I care 4 U.I'm not In UR Blood relations But I'm ready 2 share UR pain.I'm Just UR frnd.
Nature is good, trees are good, But, friends like you are very good.
Feel a friend like me,Feel a Friendship with me,EverydayEverytime &Every momenti am with u.
How 2 grow frndshp? Pick a gud heart .plant in a pot of trust,water with gud thoughts.Add sum emotions & remove d misunderstanding & nourish.RESULT FRIEND 4EVEr
Which Is The Biggest Thing In The World? SEA? No. MOUNTAIN? No. SKY? No. Dont Know? My Big Heart Which Sends U This SMS!
Some can give u Crying & tears Many others can give u Laughter & smilesbutonly Friends can give u"Laughing Tears"& "Crying smiles"
Every little smile can touch somebody"s Heart. May u find 100"s of reason 2 smile & may u be the reason 4 someone else 2 smile always!""
I am not u r first friend,m not last frnd,m not your best frnd but m sure m your ever lasting me…
1 tree can start a forest, one smile can start a friendship. 1 touch can show u care, one friend can make life worth living 4.