You can't buy

You can't buy
You can't buy love, but you can pay heavily for it

Jan, 19 2012     50 chars (1 sms)     953 views       Love

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Never Break Four things in you life-Trust, Promise, Relation & Heart becasue when they don"t make noise but pains a lot ?"
Love begins with a smile... Endures with happiness... And dies with a tear
Love is like a pendulum which hangs between tears and smiles. Days will turn into weeks & weeks will turn into years. I will remember U through silent tears.
i dont have 2 speak loud`juz 2 say wat i want 2 tel u,`a soft whisper of ``"i miss U"``is enough``coz its not my mouth`dat really speaks...```it's my HeaRT!
Devote time to enjoy; it's the secret of youth. Devote time for friends; it’s the path to happiness. Devote time to luv n b loved; it's the source of pleasure.
What the heart gives away is never gone, but kept in the hearts of others, from dusk to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart.
if you ` love s o m e o n e ` w i t h a l l y o u r h e a r t ` a n d y o u c a n n o t b e a r ` t o b e a p a r t , ` t e l l t h e m n o w ` b e f o r e i t ' s t o o l a t e ` b e c a u s e n o t e v e r y o n e ` h a s t h e p a t i e n c e t o w a i t . Ù
sumtyms v dream of hvng sumone v really lyk, bt lyf isnt lyk dat.. V dnt get evrythng v want bt d end.. V end up luving sumone better dan v dream of.. Isnt it.
Sometimes words are hard to find, to form that perfect line to let you know you're always on my mind!
I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, because I LOVE YOU!.…
i caugHt mySLf tNKiN oF d moments Spent w/u. iM a litle LonLy bt bein far frM u gVs me a beautfuL chnce 2 reaLze hw mch u miN 2 me & hw mch i miSs uR compny.
Ek ladke ne i love you bola aur apna number diya (09692097316, 7873131219) or kaha call karo.