Dont give password of our Love and friendship to anybody,Because if u will say this password “I LOVE U” It means he will hack u from me and u will go out from my hands.
your name on my hand but I washed it the next day. I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay
knowing u`has always been`a mystery.``i cudnt evn undrstand`how we evr`bcame friends.``But watevr`d rison mayb`im thankful`coz somehow`u made me hapPy.
if u hesit8 whn i hold ur hand, ill let u go. if u run away whn i giv u a kiss, il let u go. But once u let me giv u a hug, just once... il never let you go.
Find arms that'll hold u at your weakest, eyes that'll see u at your ugliest, heart that'll luv u at your worst, and if u've found it, you 've found luv..!