Let d world stop turning, Let d sun stop burning, Let dem tell me loves not worth going through. If it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, The only dream dat mattered had come true, In dis life I was loved by U......
Take my eyes but let me see you Take my mind butb let me think about you take my hand but let me touch you But dont try to take my heart as it is already with you
Love not out of NeeD but out of the aBUNDaNCe of the heart.`Don't seek for someone who will fill your HeaRT, rather seek for someone whose heart you can FiLL.
Love is like a pendulum which hangs between tears and smiles. Days will turn into weeks & weeks will turn into years. I will remember U through silent tears.
Devote time to enjoy; it's the secret of youth. Devote time for friends; it’s the path to happiness. Devote time to luv n b loved; it's the source of pleasure.
This is story 4 ppl in luv Guy had cancer n he had only 1month 2 live he likd a girl wrkin in cd shop but he didnt tell her. Everday he used 2 go in the cd shop to buy a cd so that he cud talk to the girl. After a month the guy stopped going. When the girl went to his home to ask his mother said that he died today and took her to his room where the cd's were kept unopened. The girl cried. u know why? Coz in evry cd grl had kept chit that SHE LUV HIM.