Luv is like a Ice

Luv is like a Ice
Luv is like a Ice Cube, D Harder U Hold on to it, D faster It'll disappear.

Jan, 19 2012     75 chars (1 sms)     903 views       Love

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As long as I have waited....and as long as I know.....that I will wait. I still cant seem to I feel for you.
i may not get to c u`as often as i lyk`i may not get to hold u`in my arms`all thru the nyt`But deep in my heart`i truly knw`ur d 1 dat i luv`and i cnt let u go
look...the moon is calling u ...see the stars r shining for u..hear my heart says: may god build for u a castle in heaven and made u eat from its fruits !!!!
When I measured by miles you are far from me when I measured by thoughts you are closer to me When I measured by closed eyes, you are with me When measured by heart, you are in me
You are a part of my life in so many ways And you I will love for the rest of my days Time can’t change the way I feel,For I love you now And I always will,
Tears r special than smyls, bcoz smyls u giv 2 any1, but tears u share with people u love..
If you love Then it is necessary to say to express to prove to tell that I Love You!
When it hurts to look back and...! I am scared to look ahead...! I just look beside me and...! I know you'll be there...! because we love each other...! Far more than love itself...!!
When v r depressd v expect love from others...But when v r happy v just forget to give our love to d depressd ones..Amazing truth of life
U r an angel sent from above, sent by god 4 me to love. So when ur lonely, sad and blue remember i am there 4 you!
See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.
Vacancy Post-True Friend. Eligiblity-Loving & caring Duty-To love Experience-Not reqiured. Salary- Never Ending Love. Joining-Immediately. Are you interested...