The very thought

The very thought
The very thought of You, and I forget to do the little ordinary things that everyone ought to do. I see your face in every flower Your eyes in the stars above It's just thought of you The very thought of you, my love

Jan, 19 2012     216 chars (2 sms)     882 views       Love

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i could lend u my shoulder`4 u 2 cry on,`my hnds 4 u 2 hold,`my feet 2 walk wid u,`but i cud nevr`lend u my heart,`bcoz it already```belongs 2 YOU!
Love is when two people join together and make each other better people for having the other in their life
U promsd 2 tke cre of me bt u hrt me, U promsd me 2 brng me joy bt u brought me tears, U promsd me ur Luv bt u gave me PAIN... ME? I promsd u Nothing but I gave u Everything
Tears in my eyes ......... Tears for you ...... Tears that realise how much I love you
y do we close our eyes wen we dream?..`dts bcoz d most btiful thngs n lyf s unseen..`so ask me...`y cnt i see u ryt nw?
whnever d pages of my life end, u will b d mst memorabl chaptr of it n if i ever gt a chance 2 read it again i will open it frm d page wn u frst met me.
Love is a medicine for any kind of wound, but there is no medicine found in the world for a wound given by love.
If i had to choose whether to breathe or to love you, i would use my last breath to tell you that... i love you
Real tears of love are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face..But those that fall from the Heart and cover the soul..
A good person supposed 2 b loved, a good person supposed 2 b trusted, a good person supposed 2 b valued....A good person supposed 2 b U...luv U.
Love is gr8, love is fine, it picks u up wen u r down, i love u and i always will, uve filled a space no one can fill.
evryone wants to be the sun that lights up ur life...``But i'd rathr be your moon, so i can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isnt around