Saying i luv u is important, but not enuf. Love is a verb, an action word. Sumtyms passive because it happens to us but also active because we choose to do it.
Here is my heart, it is yours so take it, Treat it gently, please do not break it. Its full of love thats good and true, So please keep it always close to u
smday`iL b`sitn dwn in`a rokin cher`rmnscn`d pst`wen we`wer stl yong..``&wen`my grnchldrn`cum&ask`4a s2ry``iL`start`w/`1s upon a tym,````der was`U in my Lyf.
U'll always be mine 4 now & 4ever. U'll always be mine 4 u r my treasure. U'll always be mine please tell me its true. Please be mine 4ever. I'll always luv u.
If loving u is wrong, then I don't wanna be right. My luv for u is strong & brighter than any light. The way we must go is long but we'll win every fight.
Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.
i dnt have 2 speak`4u 2 knw`jst wat im filng.`ur special`& i wnt u 2 b sure`dt no matr wr i go,`whom i mit`& wat i do`iL nvr find```anoder u...``i miss you!