Somewhere, someone dreams of your smile and finds your presence in life so worth while. So when you are lonely, remember it's true that someone, somewhere, is thinking of you.
U r the theme of my life!U r the base of my frndship!U r the mystery of my luv!U r the smile of my lips!but i can't undrstnd what is the relation betwn us.
If you are in a closed dark room,where blood is coming from everywhere and walls are shaking,Don"t get afraid you are in safe place,You are in my Heart.... "
There would come a time when we have to stop loving someone not because that person has started hating us but because we found out that they'd be happier if we let them go.
If i would know that i’m gonna die tomorrow, i’ll spend 23 hours with u and if u wonder what about the last hour in that i’ll find someone who can take care of u love you always.
I m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love.
i try 2 take d pain away`by findin sum1 new,`bt dn i came 2 realyz`no1 cmpares 2u`&evn f i luk around`pretndin nt 2cry`il alwyZ go bak d day`u finaly sed gudby