SavE a spacE FOr ME in Ur HEART & not in Ur Mind. The mindeasily forgEts, But the hEart ALWAYS REMEMBERS. Like now, i remEmbEr U & that"s from MY HEART.
I don’t want to live the life that i want to live but i wanna live the life as i want me 2 live cause i live 4 you thats true coz i love u and my life belong to u.
... That may appear as the truth to one personwill often appear as untruth to another person. But that need not worry theseeker. Where there is honest effort, it will be realized that what appearedto be different truths are like the countless and apparen
Ive got ur bak & uve got mine. ill help u out netime. 2 see u hurt 2 see u cry. makes me weep & wanna die. ill b right here til d end. cos ur my love & my bestfriend
You many meet people better than me, funnier than me, more hilarious than me, but one thing I can say to you, I will 'ALWAYS' be there when they ALL leave YOU!
there was an headcount of angels in heaven, pandemonium strucked discoverin dat an angel is missing, pls call heaven & tell dem ur safe wit me,my sweet angel
Lovin wat u get is compromise.Gettin wt u luv is succes. Lovin wdout carin whthr u'll gt or nt is Tru Luv. Lovin evn aftr knwin dt u wont get, is Pure Luv
Luving has 2 phases. 1st Luving the person bcoz of who he/she is, 2nd Loving the person despite who he/she is not, the 1st sparks luV, the 2nd maks it Last.