Even the richest

Even the richest
Even the richest king cant have a greatest treasure i have. he may own things i can only dream of .. but he certainly doesn't have what i got & it's you

Jan, 18 2012     152 chars (1 sms)     830 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

I am opening an emotional bank account for u sweetheart,so deposit your love in it and you will get the interest
D bad tyms can strengthen a relationship if both persons r willing to make a commitment 2 do whatever it takes 2 work on d problems & learn from the bad times
I have a heart and that is true, but now it has gone from me to you, so care for it just like i do, cause i have no heart and you have two...
Alone….. I’d be your shadow. Afraid….. Stay behind me.. Wanna cry…. Here is my shoulder… Need a hug…. I’d embrace you tight and say………….. What ever happens you have me!!
i tHaNk u Bcoz u LiSten wHen i sPeak & U c Me 4 wHo i am. i wiL thanK u evRy day of My LiFe Bcoz Ur 1 of My Life's greatst gfts!
The smallest word is I, the sweetest word is Love and the dearest person in the world is you. thats why I Love You :)
If I"ll ever have to gift you something, then I"ll gift you the ability to see yourself from my eyes... Then you will know, how special you are to me...! ""
Heres a little hug for U To make you smile when youre blue,To make you happy if youre sad,To let you know life aint so bad!
I'm scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love... it never seems to last.
Whenever I sit alone Ijust look at my hand, its criss cross line & wonder! which special line made me so lucky 2to get GF like u. U.... R ....SO.... SPECIAL 4 ME! I ....LUV .... U.... SO ....MUCH.
Ive got ur bak & uve got mine. ill help u out netime. 2 see u hurt 2 see u cry. makes me weep & wanna die. ill b right here til d end. cos ur my luv & my bestfriend
WheneverI sit alone. Ijust lookat my hand.& see the criss cross lines& wonder.which special line mde me so lucky.to get uin my life.