Loving sum 1 ` w h o d o e s n t l o v e y o u ` i s l i k e ` w a t c h i n g a s t a r ` y o u k n o w ` y o u c a n ` n e v e r r e a c h . ` B u t ` y o u j u s t h a v e ` 2 k i p o n ` t r y i n g . . . ` W h y n o t ? ` ` ` S t a r s C a N F a L L , r i g h t ? !
I"m lured into ur alluring presence like a helpless insect caught by a malicious spider in an inescapable web, wanting 2b satisfied, unable2resist, not in a position2desist captivating ferocious appetite."
Chupke se chand ki roshni aapki ho jaaye,Dheere se hawa aapko kuch keh jaaye... Dil se jo chahte ho wo maang lo Khuda se,Hum bhi dua karenge ki woh aapka ho jaaye...
I would give up happines to never see you sad, I would give up eternity to be with you always, I would give up my life so that yours would be new... I'd give up everything... except you...
Wat if u luv d wrong persn? r u gona give up or hold on? mayB u nid 2 do nuthin-juz continue loving..hu knows? mayB dat luv myt b enuf 2 make dat persn d ryt 1
A peach is a peach, A plum is a plum, A kiss ain't a kiss, without some tounge. So open up your mouth, and close your eyes, and give your tounge Some exercise!
Though many people will go in and out of your heart only one will want to stay there. If you bulid a heart full of holes, think how much easier it is to hang on.
See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.