I always think

I always think
I always think of You as the Sun.I pray your Dreams Will Shine on all men.EVRYthing you Desire will Come True and I will ALWAYS Love You and be with You.

Jan, 18 2012     153 chars (1 sms)     797 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

u r as sweet as bailey as strong as tequila as warm as cognac as exotic as malibu as heady as a cocktail & as special as as a champagne. i am simply drunk on U
Wen u hav a Reason to Like Some1 it means ur mind Likes it When u hav no Reason for Liking Some1 it Means ur Heart Likes it!
Always keep ur LOVER'S photo in ur purse.Whenever ur in some big trouble,see the photo,u will feel that No other problem is bigger than this.
It takes a day to crush on someone,A week to understand someone,a month to like someone,a year to love someone,But it takes a lifetime to forget someone...
I"m lured into ur alluring presence like a helpless insect caught by a malicious spider in an inescapable web, wanting 2b satisfied, unable2resist, not in a position2desist captivating ferocious appetite."
Eyes spk more whn a heart strts listening 2 sum1 silently&life seems 2b more exiting whn sum1 starts reading thos eyes silently.
smile make flowers alive sing make birds alive open urs eyes make sun alive hum make statue alive keep urs lips on my heart ...to make me alive.
You touched my life in a special way much special than what i expected though i dont know how special i am to u,but u r always special to me
if u hesit8 whn i hold ur hand, ill let u go. if u run away whn i giv u a kiss, il let u go. But once u let me giv u a hug, just once... il never let you go.
You are the only light and delight in my life.
Tonight, go outside and look for the star that shines so bright then make a wish, cause the last time i did,```i met you…
u dnt hav 2 ask f i care. in evry word u say, fil free2tel ur worries & realyz dt im hir..4 now 4 always & 4evr 4u exclusvely…