Lovin wat u

Lovin wat u
Lovin wat u get is compromise.Gettin wt u luv is succes. Lovin wdout carin whthr u'll gt or nt is Tru Luv. Lovin evn aftr knwin dt u wont get, is Pure Luv

Jan, 18 2012     154 chars (1 sms)     890 views       Love

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Luv is like a Ice Cube, D Harder U Hold on to it, D faster It'll disappear.
I don't have hopes and dreams, I don't have party hours, I don't have happy hours, I don't have anything since i don't have you!
wn u wnt sm1 2 b urs, it only givs u pain. dts y we must b creful in longing 4 sm1, coz d pain is unbearble 2tke esp wn ur longin 2 much 4 nothing at all
If u sAid u were cold i wud wrAp my Arms Around uIf u sAid u were Thirsty i wud give u d oceAn blueI hold my heArt in hAnd 4 u,I luv u & its true!!
Care is d sweetest assence in d world,If someone says Take Care-it means U live in dat persons heart till d last beat TAKE CARE ..
Beautiful quote about "No one in this world is without love; Only there can be people without proposing that love.."
if evr u find urself n luv wid sum1 els,jz thnk of me 4 d lst tym & 4get me. & f evr u find urself in luv w/ d 1 u admire, jz make sureb× she luvs u mor dan i did
Even GrAve yArd Look beAutiful Wen Pure Love Sleeps inside it..If u dnt think so den tAke a Look At the TAJ MAHAL
ThousandRaindropsFallsIntoSeaWaterBut SomeDropsOnlyGoesToPEARL...ThatWayIHaveSoManyFriendsInMyLifeButURSpecialOne... .
i dnt have 2 speak`4u 2 knw`jst wat im filng.`ur special`& i wnt u 2 b sure`dt no matr wr i go,`whom i mit`& wat i do`iL nvr find```anoder u...``i miss you!
u dnt hav 2 ask f i care. in evry word u say, fil free2tel ur worries & realyz dt im hir..4 now 4 always & 4evr 4u exclusvely…
if my life were to be a book then u would be one of its most beautiful chapter and if i ever got a chance to read it i would like to start from the day when we first met.