This is story 4 ppl in luv Guy had cancer n he had only 1month 2 live he likd a girl wrkin in cd shop but he didnt tell her. Everday he used 2 go in the cd shop to buy a cd so that he cud talk to the girl. After a month the guy stopped going. When the girl went to his home to ask his mother said that he died today and took her to his room where the cd's were kept unopened. The girl cried. u know why? Coz in evry cd grl had kept chit that SHE LUV HIM.
If u drop me i ill break if u hold me i ill shake if u need me i ill hurry if u don't call me i ill worry if u hurt me i ill cry but if u leave me i ill die.
i never regret d chance i gave myself 2 kwn you. Coz now u're a part of me dat i'l chersh til d end. im happy having knwn you, hope you fell d same way 2,
Sum can mak u cry & give u tears.Many can mak u laugh & give u smiles. Bt, only very few can give u'laughing tears' &'crying smiles'Dont miss such people.
Once in a while, "great love" comes to your life. It probably won't last but it's good to know that at least once in your life, you had that kind of love.
3 Things in Life once gone will never come back TIME, WORDS & OPPORTUNITY. 3 Things in Life should never be Lost HOPE, LOVE & Come on, how can u 4get ME