Luving has 2 phases. 1st Luving the person bcoz of who he/she is, 2nd Loving the person despite who he/she is not, the 1st sparks luV, the 2nd maks it Last.
jst whn questions seemd endles`it sudnly bcame clear.`u came nt 2 luv me`bt 2 teach me`hw 2 luv`den u walkd away`w/o any idea`hw mch iv lernd`&Hw much it hurts
They say as long as at least one person cares for you, life isn't a waste. So when things go terribly wrong, and u feel like giving up, please remember u still got me.
Dreaming of you makes my night worth while. Thinking of you makes me Smile. Having you is the best thing ever & Loving you is what I plan to do forever.
Friends are Angles.. sent 4m heaven dey guide U care4 U luv U & inspire U u r one of d sweetest Angels i ever had...! hope u"ll b my Angel 4 ever...! "
Love doesnt seek whats not there.`Love accepts all pains 2 bear.`Love that doesnt die`is love that we cant see.`Love is just waiting`so please just wait 4 me.